All Friends of SCLARC properties employ the “Buy it Once Model”, where if any tenant (service provider) needs to be replaced, care and service for the consumer is not disrupted and they are never displaced from their homes.
Over the past 10 years, Friends of SCLARC has acquired and developed homes to provide individuals with developmental disabilities high-quality housing that adhere to their specific needs.
Housing is one of the most pressing issues among Los Angeles residents, and is particularly challenging for individuals diagnosed with a developmental disability. Friends Housing Inc.’s mission is to create safe, accessible, and affordable housing opportunities for the individuals that South Central Los Angeles Regional Center serves who have been diagnosed with a developmental disability.
of Support
- Experienced Community Developers
- Nonprofit organizations
- SCLARC vendors and
- Financial Institutions
Our Values
- We value integration of our individuals into the communities in which they live
- We value the inclusion of Circle of Support principals in our efforts to provide housing opportunities to the clients we serve
- We value accessible and adaptive living spaces
- We value the promotion of financial literacy that enables developmentally disabled families to maintain stable housing
- We value high standards for safe and affordable housing options
- We value effective utilization and creation of sustainable community resources
We understand that being a good community partner not only helps to better people’s lives, but it also enhances the quality of life within our communities.